2018 - 2020 Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Master of Art in Art and Craft — Medium and Material Based Art,Norway
2012 - 2016 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Ceramic Art and Design ,China
2024.08 “Be Flow In Between Objects And Spaces”, RAM Galleri in Oslo, Norway
2024.04 “Tubes Make A Shape A Shape”, Det Gule Huset, Asker, Norway
2023.10 “RØR(E): Where air flows”, Northing Space, Bergen, Norway
2021.09 “Too close to see”, Galleri Neuf, Oslo, Norway
2019.09 “O / A æ o”, Galleri Seilduken, Oslo, Norway
2025.01 Upcoming event: Ceramic Brussels 2025, Belgian
2024.09 Årsutstillingen 2024, Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst (K-U-K), Trondheim, Norway
2024.01 Tour Exhibition of Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art Biennale's Excellent Works, China
2023.09 XVIII International Award for Contemporary Ceramics (CERCO), Zaragoza, Spain
2023.09 Høstutstillingen 2023, Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo, Norway
2023.04 Artist-in-residence project at 1400 grader, Porsgrunn, Norway
2023.04 BKV Prize for Young Applied Arts, Munich, Germany
2022.08-09 “Outside the Window” at Galleri Format, Oslo, Norway
2022.05-06 Anthological exhibition of the Vendrell Ceramics Biennial at Centre d'Artesania Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
2022.05-06 “Resident”, Galleri Fjordheim, Biri, Norway
2022.04 “Above and Below” at Kruttverket Culture House, Oslo, Norway
2022.01 “FUS”, KÖSK contemporary art gallery, Oslo, Norway
2021.12-2022.03 Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art Biennale, the Art Museum of Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jiangxi, China
2021.10-11 Årsutstillingen 2021 (the Norwegian Artisans' Annual Exhibition), SKMU Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand, Norway
2021.09-10 International Ceramics Festival Mino'21, Ceramics Park MINO, Tajimi, Japan
2021.09-10 Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2021, the Concert Hall of Cheongju Culture Factory, South Korea
2021.06 “På Ubestemt Tid”, the alumni Festival of Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway
2021.06-09 “Made in Ringebu”, Centre of Ceramic Art, Ringebu, Norway
2021.03-04 Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2021, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
2020.12 “10 Good Manners about Ceramics”—the 3rd Guangdong Provincial College of Ceramic Art Exhibition, U City Art Museum of GAFA, China
2020.12 Kunstnerforbundets Juleutstilling Exhibition 2020, Kunstnerforbundet Gallery, Oslo, Norway
2020.09-10 3 Winners’ Exhibition of X Biennal Internacional de Ceràmica 2019, Sala Protal del Pardo, Spain
2020.03 “TALENTE Show 2020”—Special show of the 72nd International Crafts Fair, Munich, Germany
2019.12 Åpen Kunsthall Exhibition, Kunsthall Oslo, Norway
2019.10-11 X Biennal Internacional de Ceràmica del Vendrell, Sala Protal del Pardo, Tarragona, Spain
2019.05 “Raw Clay Installation” with Hyangiong Oh (South Korea) and Torbjørn Kvasbø (Norway), Centre of Ceramic Art, Ringebu, Norway
2024.08 The Strawflowers' Journey (pink and blue) have been collected by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
2022.12 White Tubes’ Form-(2) and Black Tubes’ Form-(2) have been collected by Jingdezhen Ceramic University Museum, Jingdezhen, China
2021.11 Gray Form be owned by KODE Art Museums and become part of the museum art collection, Bergen, Norway
2019.10 Black Form – (1) be owned by the City of El Vendrell and become part of the Municipal Art Collection, Spain
2024.01-2024.12 In-depth scholarship 2024 from Kunsthåndverkernes fond, Oslo, Norway
2023.01-2023.12 One-year scholarship for visual artists from Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond (BKV), Oslo, Norway
2022.05 Porsgrunn's porcelain stipend (Porsgrunns porselensstipend) from Porsgrunn municipality, Norway
2022.01-2022.12 One-year scholarship for visual artists from Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond (BKV), Oslo, Norway
2022.03 Taoxichuan Emerging Artists Award of Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art Biennale, China
2021.09 Honorable Mention of the 12th International Ceramics Competition Mino, Japan
2021.08 Honorable Mention of Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2021, South Korea
2021.05-2022.05 Artist Assistant grant (Kunstnerassistent) from the Arts Council Norway
2021.01-2021.12 State Scholarships of the work stipend for newly established artists (Arbeidsstipend for yngre nyetablerte kunstnere) from the Arts Council Norway
2020.01-2020.12 State Scholarships of the Miscellaneous stipend for newly graduated artists from the Arts Council Norway
2019.10 The Third Prize of X Biennal Internacional de Ceràmica del Vendrell, Tarragona, Spain
2016.12 Honorable Mention of China—Foshan Shiwan Cup Ceramic Art Competiton, Foshan, China
2015.07 Excellent Award of International Ecology Design Creative Competition, Goyang, South Korea
2021.09 Wheat Tube Form was invited by Kirsten Visdal to have a cooperative article “Sirkeltrening” in BO BEDRE-Norge, September 2021, pp.103.
2021.07 White Tubes’ Form-(2) was invited by Per Olav and Kirsten Visdal to have a cooperative article “Ornamentikk, Takk” in BO BEDRE-Norge, July 2021, pp. 32-33.
2021.06 Black Tubes’ Form was reported by Cecilie Molvær Jørgensen in her article “Redaktøren Sine Favorittar Dette” in BO BEDRE-Norge, June 2021, pp. 122.
2024.02 Guest teacher of ceramic art in Kragerø Kunstskole, Kragerø, Norway
2021.05-2022.05 Worked as assistant to Norwegian ceramic artist Irene Nordli, Oslo, Norway
2020.01-Present Held small shows and sold handmade tableware at BRUDD Kunsthåndverk, Oslo, Norway
2016.10-2017.01 Interior decoration design project with D’art the Specialist Art Co.Ltd. for Conrad Guangzhou, China
2016-2017 Co-founder of Uxü Ceramic Art Space, Redtory Art and Design District, Guangzhou, China